Special Tooling (Beading, Flanging Etc.)

Dies to Ideas

Apex has the expertise and capability to manufacture a wide range of "special" tooling used in the production of steel, aluminum and composite cans, pail heads, fiber drum rings and heads, lug (twist-off) and threaded jar caps.

We can design and manufacture special tooling from either furnished drawings or from sample parts to meet your requirements. We can also provide design information regarding tooling for current production or for prototyping/new programs.

Our expertise includes, but is not limited to:

  • Die assemblies for stamping shallow cups
  • Beader rails and rolls
  • Flanging dies and rings
  • Die cover plates
  • Lug cap tooling
  • Pail and drum head dies
  • Ring and plug dies

… as well as many other parts.

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Concept Through Engineering to Manufacturing Solutions